Tuesday, April 16, 2013

List a Week No. 11 & 12

Good news!  Moorea Seal just posted Week 15 of her 52 Lists today, and today I just finished up Lists 11-14!  As of next week, I will be caught up and you will only have to read one list a week!  I'm sure you're all as excited as I am.  I decided I will just post two of the lists together, so here are List 11 and List 12:

List 11 asked for a list of your essentials.  Not the toiletry items you require or what you have in your purse, but what you need in your life in order to feel like yourself.  I can get off-kilter quite easily in life if I don't have my essentials.  One of the most important things for me is to have balance and to make sure I have enough down time from the hectic rush of life.  

List 12 kind of relates to List 11: make a list of things that make you feel at home.  I grew up in two houses.  The house that my mom lives in now was our home.  My parents put a lot of work into it to make it theirs, and we have so many wonderful memories there.  I always remember coming home from road trips, and coming up on the last few blocks before home.  I think that is one of the most comforting feelings, almost being home.

Now that I've grown up and am building a home with my fiancé, my list of what feels like home is expanding and changing.  But home will always be where my family is.

So tell me, what are your essentials?  What makes you feel at home?


  1. Great lists... finding meaning (or maybe more giving meaning to my life as I see it) is a thing I really struggle with :) I think I'm slowly getting clearer on it, but it's a tough one.

    Aw, Harry Potter. I grew up with those books. I love revisiting childhood favourites, it really is like coming home or visiting old friends...

    Always fun reading other people's lists...

    Lovely blog-header by the way!

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment! I have the Harry Potter audiobooks, so I re-listen to them all the time. Such fantastic books :)

  2. This is such a great idea, I'd definitely have to have my sister and books on mine. x

    1. Definitely necessities!! I only have brothers, but they both picked wonderful wives to be my sisters :)

  3. This is such a great post! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. The design is perfect and the content is so great! I will definitely be following you on bloglovin. xx. McKenna Lou

    1. Thank you so much!! That's so sweet of you! I will definitely have to check yours out!

  4. I enjoy your list. I especially liked red lipstick. Not sure that isn't essential, though.
