We rented a cabin at the YMCA camp there, and it was perfect. No technology, and hikes everyday.

On our first day, we drove into Rocky Mountain National Park and made it up to about 9,000 feet. We got about 50 feet from the car before we realized that, as Nebraskans, we were not prepared for hiking mountains in May. The ground was covered in ice and snow, and it was drizzling. So we drove down to 7,000 feet and found a better (aka clearer) path. It was chilly and rainy, but perfect. The hazy views were breathtaking.

Day two of hiking, we went in the opposite direction and we were almost too hot! It's funny what a difference a couple thousand feet can make. We hiked up to this lake on top of the mountain where we ate lunch. As we were sitting there, this girl came running out of the forest from the other direction. We chatted with her for a minute and it turned out she was a part of a running club that runs 10-15 miles through the mountains every weekend then gets breakfast. Who does that?? Coloradans are nuts!!

I did tree yoga

And Adam tried too :)

We went to the Shining hotel too! We got a drink at the bar, because duh.

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